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2020-2021 COVID-19


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At SSPAC, we take the health and safety of our dancers and faculty very seriously. We have implemented new policies, procedures and protocols in an effort to keep everyone safe and to keep our studio open for in-person classes! 

Thank you in advance for your support and participation in helping us to keep on dancing! 

  • COVID-19 Studio Protocol Flow Chart - Use this flow chart to determine when you should contact us and when you should stay home from dance! This protocol is subject to change if government mandates or CDC recommendations change. We will alert you if we do make changes!

  • COVID-19 Enhanced Sanitation and Social Distancing Practices - These outline our enhanced sanitations and cleaning practices, as well as the social distancing measures we have in place. This protocol is subject to change if government mandates or CDC recommendations change. 

  • COVID-19 Warning - This warning outlines the exposure risks associated with COVID-19. 

  • Studio Diagram - This diagram indicates the entrance and exit doors for each studio that will be utilized instead of our front lobby entrance/exit. 


Required Notice: Following is a required notice under O.C.G.A. 51-16-3. This notice is also posted at all entrances to our buildings.

WARNING - Any person entering the premises waives all civil liability against this premise's owner and operator for any injuries caused by the inherent risk associated with contracting COVID-19 at public gatherings, except for gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional infliction of harm, by the individual or entity of the premises.  O.C.G.A. 51-16-3

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